segunda-feira, abril 12, 2004

I'm sharing my thoughts with you because I just can't hold them back.
Recomendo esse blog: Hotel Hell. Se não me engano, ele já esteve entre os Blogs of Note. Estava lendo ontem à noite e fiquei momentaneamente inspirada a escrever e escutar David Gray. Mas acabei diante da tv assistindo:
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. Preciso urgentemente que esses
caras venham até aqui fazer umas mudanças radicais nesse apartamento. Aceitaria também um banho de loja. Fútil!
"I feel depressed. But I won't go into it with her. I've already told her too much.
She sits there waiting, her dainty fingers poking her hair.
Waiting for what? I'd like to know.
It is August.
My life is going to change - I feel it."
(from 'Fat' in Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?, 1976) Raymond Carver

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